Summary :

how to save certain pages of a PDF

How to relieve sure pages of a PDF or how to relieve one folio of a PDF? Are yous bothered by these problems? If yes, you come to the right identify. In this post, we will evidence you how to practise this work using different methods on your Windows or Mac reckoner.

Sometimes, you have a PDF file that has many pages only you just need to use one or some certain pages of it. Is information technology possible to salve one page of a PDF or save sure pages of a PDF? Of class yeah. In this postal service, MiniTool Software will show you how to save certain pages of a PDF on Windows and macOS.

Tip: If yous want to recover your lost and deleted PDF files, you can use the professional information recovery software, MiniTool Power Data Recovery, to get them back.

How to Save Certain Pages of a PDF Using Chrome?

If you lot use Chrome every bit your spider web browser, you tin can apply it to extract pages from PDF. If you don't accept Chrome, you tin download it on your reckoner for further use. Here are ii useful guides that testify yous how to download and install Chrome on your Windows or Mac:

Here is a guide on how to extract pages from PDF using Chrome:

i. Open Google Chrome.

2. Press Ctrl+O on your Windows or printing Command-O on your Mac to open an interface that allows you to select a file from your computer.

3. Find the PDF file you want to carve up or extract some pages from information technology and select it.

four. Google will open your specified PDF file.

5. Stay at the opened PDF page and and so click the three-dot menu.

6. Select Print.

seven. Select Save every bit PDF for Destination.

 select Save as PDF for Destination

8. Select Customised for Pages.

9. Then, how to salvage specific pages of a PDF? You need to enter the pages you desire to extract from the PDF file to the following box. If there are some successive pages, you lot tin just type the first page's number and the last folio's number with a "–" mark between them. For example, if you want to save pages from 10 to xx, you tin blazon 10-20. If you want to salvage some unmarried pages, you demand to type each page in the box. How to save one page of a PDF? It is simple, you just demand to enter that folio in the box.

type the page you want to extract

x. Click the Save push button and then select a suitable location to salve the PDF file with your specified pages. Yous tin can also rename it if necessary.

Subsequently these steps, you can access your specified storage location and open up the saved PDF. This time, you lot tin can only come across the pages yous want to see.

How to Save Certain Pages of a PDF Using Preview on Mac?

If you are using a Mac computer, yous can likewise utilize the Preview feature to save specific pages of a PDF file.

Here is a guide on how to excerpt pages from PDF using Preview on Mac:

  1. Open the target PDF file.
  2. Get to Open up with > Preview.
  3. Click View on the pinnacle of the screen.
  4. Select Thumbnails.
  5. Printing the Control primal and select the pages you desire to extract on the same page. You can see all selected pages are highlighted.
  6. Click File and then select Print.
  7. Click Testify Details.
  8. Click Selected Pages in Sidebar.
  9. Select Save equally PDF.
  10. Name the new PDF file and relieve it on your Mac.

Save Specific Pages of a PDF File Using Third-Political party Tools

You can too use third-party tools like PDFsam or SmallPDF to save specified pages of a PDF file. You can likewise search for such a tool online and use information technology to assistance you out.

how to remove a page from a pdf thumbnail

Practise you know how to remove a page from a PDF file? This post shows y'all 4 PDF editors that tin help you delete a page or page from a PDF file.

After you read this mail service, you should know how to save certain pages of a PDF file on your Windows or Mac. Should y'all have whatsoever related problems, you tin can allow united states know in the comment.